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Empowering Agility



All segments of today’s P&C market are experiencing a renewal. 

Commercial, Specialty and Personal P&C customers require a personalized digital experience. More connected and more accustomed to on-demand features and real-time response than ever, they are fast to switch providers.

The insurance landscape itself is undergoing rapid and continual revitalization driven by new technologies and emerging risks. 

Carriers, brokers and service providers face significant challenges. Concerned about how to compete with companies that create new value propositions, they wonder:

What will be the impact of driverless vehicles? 

How will connected devices and consumer wearables reduce risk? 

Will advanced data analytics allow competitors to arbitrage pricing and claims settlements?

MVP has led mid-size insurance organizations through planning, implementation and operational transformation. We know what keeps you up at night and how to get you back to sleep. 

Have a Property & Casualty insurance industry challenge? 


Does it involve Digital Engagement?

Advanced Analytics?

Core Technology Change? Transformational Operating Models?

Contact us.

Our goal is to help our clients and chosen vendors reach their destination on the Client Transformation Journey. From strategic planning to implementation to optimization, MVP’s proven outcomes deliver improved technology and operations to the specialty, commercial, and personal property and casualty marketplace. 

Working with you, MVP develops practical, high-impact operational and technological strategies to propel your organization into the future.

MVP de-risks implementation efforts by co-creating sustainable strategies, leveraging our extensive insight and providing innovative ideas. We help clients meet the expectations of changing technology, enhance their insurance customer value proposition, and realize their business and technology transformation. Together, we create an agile, profitable and customer-responsive insurance industry.

Property & Casualty Services

The Most Valuable Partners in Property & Casualty 

Donn Vucovich

Managing Partner

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